Intermediator Program 2022
"Intermediator Program" is consisted of the following three programs.
Program 1
Intermediator course
2022/5/27 (Fri) + 6/8 (Wed) + 6/24 (Fri)
Learn about the five mindsets of the "Intermediator" through a 2.5-day course.
Program 2
Certified program
2022/7/1 (Fri) - 2021/9/30 (Fri)
This is a certified program for those who want to deepen their learning of "intermediator".
Participants in the Intermediator course (Program 1) are encouraged to actively participate in this program.
By doing so, you can improve your quality as an "intermediator" and generate trust among others. You can also join the network exclusively for Certified Intermediators.
Program 3
Intermediator forum
2022/10/23 (Sun)
Co-learning limited to certified intermediators(AM) + opportunities to learn and interact with wider range of people who are interedted in acting as "intermediator". (PM).
Certified intermediators are required to participate in this forum once a year.
Intermediator Program 2022
Organizer: Shidara & Archipelagos.
Click here for inquiries
Program 1
Intermediator course
Intermediator course
Learn through the 2.5 days course with dialogue and lectures focusing on the basic concepts
◎ Learn the following basic concepts.
・ VULCAD society and 3rd curve marketing
・ The demands of the times "Intermediator"
・Five mindsets (how to work your "brain and mind" on a daily basis)
◎ Schedule: Participation in all dates is required
Friday, May 27, 2022 13: 30-15: 30
First half-
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 10: 00-17: 00
Latter half-
Friday, June 24, 2022 10: 00-17: 00
Venue: The International House of Japan (Toriizaka, Tokyo)
Certified Program
This is a program for those who want to deepen their learning and act as "intermediators". (only limited for those who have completed the program1)
1) Report submission by 7/30 (Sat)
Please submit three specific initiative stories and other documents that you have worked as an intermediator.
2) Evaluation / learning process 8/3 (Wed) -8/26 (Fri)
The evaluation committee evaluates and verifies the documents.
If the case determines that there is something wrong with the intermediary, we will ask additional tasks and interactively ask questions online to improve the submitted documents.
3) Face-to-Face individual dialogue / final examination 9/1 (Thu) -9/10 (Sat)
Next, we will hold an individual dialogue (oral examination) with the evaluation committee regarding the understanding of the intermediator and the mindsets for those who have obtained an evaluation of the documents.
For those who have difficulties coming to the venue, we will hold an online meeting.
4) Result announcement / comment the week of 9/20 (Tue)
We will consider the documents and the content of the individual dialogue to decide whether or not to allow the certification.
* Your participation itself does not guarantee the certification.
* Contents are subject to change
Certified program
Program 3
Intermediator Forum
Intermediator Forum 2022
Co-learning for certified intermediators
+ It is an opportunity to learn and interact with the wide range of people who are interested in intermediators.
Through keynotes, case presentations, and open dialogue, you will be able to further understand the future role of "intermediator" and give each person a chance to gain more momentum in their activities.
*We hold such a place of study once or twice a year. Certified intermediators are required to participate them.
Intermediator Forum 2022
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Open Forum (Anyone can participate) 13: 00-18: 00
Certified Intermediator Only 9: 30-12: 00
Venue: Tokyo and online
Details: Will be released later
* Contents are subject to change
インターミディエイター講座 説明会
「インターミ ディエイターとは?」の入り口をご案内するプログラムです。
『なぜ、「強いリーダー」ではなく、「あいだの存在」が大切なのか? ーインターミディエイター講座 説明会ー』
2023/4/24 (月)19:30-21:30
今回は、ソーシャル・ワーカーズ・ラボを展開する今津新之助さんをゲストに、インターミディエイター・プログラム事務局 松原朋子とともに、『なぜ、「強いリーダー」ではなく、「あいだの存在」が大切なのか?』をテーマに、トークします。
2023/5/12 (金)19:00-20:30
Polyphony - dialogue with Intermediators -
まちづくり、福祉、デジタル・メディア、コミュニティ、多様な人が活きる組織づくり、共同学習、ナラティブ、自然環境… 様々なテーマでのダイアログ、あなたの関心にふれるテーマがきっと見つかると思います。ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。
Polyphony #8
2023/3/27 (月)20:00-21:30
ダイアログする3人 :
貝沼航 漆とロック株式会社 代表取締役
鈴木 悠平 文筆家、株式会社閒 代表取締役
平田 直大 一般社団法人しまのわ 代表
Polyphony #9
2023/4/6 (木)20:00-21:30
ダイアログする3人のインターミディエイター :
木村 智子 スマイルプラス 取締役
鈴木 悠平 文筆家、株式会社閒 代表取締役
上杉公志 作曲家、編集者
Polyphony #10
2023/5/6 (土)20:00-21:30
ダイアログする3人のインターミディエイター :
伊藤 優 オフィス・アペゼ代表
鈴木 悠平 文筆家、株式会社閒 代表取締役
濱上隆道 富士通株式会社CEO室 CDXO Division シニアマネージャー