Certified Program 2022
Application requirements
This program is intended for those who want to deepen their learning about "intermediators" and those who want to utilize their names.
We will implement the "Certified Program" as follows.
● For Certified Intermediators,
1) You will be allowed to utilize the name of "intermediator".
2) The notation of Intermediator® can be used.
3) You will be able to participate in the co-learning venue, which is limited to certified intermediators.
● Program participation qualification
1) Those who have completed the "Intermediator Course" (Program1)
2) Those who want to deepen their learning about "intermediators"
3) Those who are willing to participate in learning opportunities at least twice a year after obtaining certification
4) Those who will actively engage with initiatives as "intermediators" in the future
5) Those who have agreed to the terms of participation in the "Intermediator Program"
● Schedule
6/24 (Friday) ~ Reception starts
7/30 (Sat) Document submission deadline
8/3 (Wednesday) -8/26 (Friday) Document review
9/1 (Thursday) -9/10 (Saturday) Face-to-Face dialogue / final examination
9/20 (Tue) week Result announcement / comment
* The examination will be conducted by the "Intermediator Evaluation Committee".
* Please note that your participation in the program itself does not guarantee the certifcation. Plea
● Documents to be submitted
1) Trifocal thinking exercise
2) Stories of 3 initiatives of outcomes through your intermediation (2000-3000 characters per case)
3) Mindset self-evaluation and future task setting
4) Profile (about 250 characters)
● How to apply for participation
Please email the secretariat or use the contact form to let us know that you would like to participate in the Certified Program. We will send instructions such as documents to be submitted to those who have made inquiries.
● Inquiries
Intermediator Program Secretariat at Shidara & Archipelagos
Please contact us by email or inquiry form.