Koji Uesugi
Composer / Editor
Impressed by movies and game music as a child, started composing. While attending music college, became interested in "places" and "media" where music is handled.
After engaging in the planning and management of concerts and lectures and study abroad counseling at an industry group and music company, felt the importance of "words" that were closely related to music, and became independent in 2019.
Currently, in addition to composition and arrangement, "between" and "place" by sound and words, such as editing and writing of the web media "Yukan Edist" by Editing Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. and building relationships with writers through dialogue as the editor.

☞ いぶきのグッド・ストーリー(対談コラム)
仲間を大事に、自ら考え、柔軟に支援できる現場をつくる ──いぶきのグッド・ストーリー!① 竹腰龍太編 <前半> (sketch.ibuki.gifu.jp)
多様性が許容され、障害福祉の理解がもっと拡がる社会をつくる ──いぶきのグッド・ストーリー!② 竹腰龍太編 <後半> (sketch.ibuki.gifu.jp)
障害の重い仲間の「暮らし」を支える楽しさと大切さ ──いぶきのグッド・ストーリー!③ 藤井美和 編 <前半> (sketch.ibuki.gifu.jp)
助けてもらうだけではない、貢献感覚を持てる社会を ──いぶきのグッド・ストーリー!④ 藤井美和 編 <後半> (sketch.ibuki.gifu.jp)
音楽という共通の話題を媒介に、障害のある仲間とのよい関係がはじまった──いぶきのグッド・ストーリー!⑤小田由生 編 <前半>(sketch.ibuki.gifu.jp)